1075 N. Tustin Street, Suite 4907, Orange, California 92863

California Civil Litigation & Appeals Attorneys Get Results for Clients

Resolving disputes for businesses and individuals

When legal disputes disrupt your business or personal life, having a committed, knowledgeable attorney to zealously advocate on your behalf brings comfort and peace of mind. Charles E. McClung, Jr. represents Laguna Beach businesses, families and individuals in litigation, arbitration and mediation. They can help you with all types of general civil litigation in state and federal courts, including:
  • Business litigation
  • Breach of contract
  • Property litigation
  • Construction litigation
  • Consumer litigation
  • Partnership litigation

Successfully navigating the appeals processes

The Laguna Beach appellate lawyer Charles E. McClung, Jr. is dedicated to providing clients the highest caliber representation in all phases of litigation, including appeals. The firm excels at appealing adverse trial court rulings and also successfully defends lower court victories on appeal. They do so by keeping abreast of litigation trends and ever-changing case law.
They monitor each case for potential points of appeal, ensuring any errors against them are preserved for post-trial relief and that they are prepared to defend rulings in their favor. Likewise, they review any cases they accept from other firms for challenges such as:
  •  Sufficiency of the evidence
  •  Proper legal interpretation
  •  Improperly admitted testimony
  •  Expert admission
  •  Procedural errors
  •  Faulty jury instructions
The firm’s years of appellate law experience include filing:
  •  Motions for post-trial relief
  •  Motions to vacate
  •  Motions for reconsideration
  •  Motions for judgment notwithstanding the verdict
  •  Appeal briefs
  •  Writs
  •  Amicus curiae briefs
Charles E. McClung, Jr. has the legal knowledge needed to handle briefing and oral arguments before state and federal appellate courts throughout California.

Contact an assertive Laguna Beach, California litigation lawyer you can trust.

Charles E. McClung, Jr. is located in Laguna Beach, California and represents clients throughout the state. Call them at  949-497-3388 or contact him online to schedule an appointment.


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